The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69858   Message #1189189
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
19-May-04 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Palestine, My Palestine
Subject: RE: Lyrics: Palestine, My Palestine
Missles delivered with pinpoint accuracy against known Hamas terrorists cause a lot less collateral casualties than suicide bombs loaded with nails & shrapnel detonated in crowded commuter buses or in restaurants. The object is to kill as many civillians as possible.
Bleeding hearts that mourn the assasination of the wheel chair bound Sheikh Ahmed Yassin forget that once upon a time there was a man by the name of Leon Klinghoffer. It is extremely difficult to negotiate with somone who has a loaded gun pointed at you and says "You have no right to exist". First you have to take the gun out of his hand and then you can negotiate how to divide up the territory and live in harmony. SOL ZELLER