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Thread #69772   Message #1189203
Posted By: CarolC
19-May-04 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
so, where is your demand for the property of those Jews to be returned to them, as you want the supposed property of the Palestinians returned? Or aren't Jews entitled to the same considerations????

beardedbruce, please show me where I have said I want the "supposed" property of the Palestinians returned.

I notice you have quite a fondness for question marks.

I have already posted two links in this thread that discuss this issue, one of them in some detail. Suffice it to say, at least some Mizrahim (Iraqi Jews) believe that it's the government of Israel who is responsible for their assets having been confiscated. The issue is apparently very complicated, and I don't fully understand it, but these links give some of the answers. The article you quoted (from my quote) touches on it a little bit:

"What does the State of Israel do with the story of the expropriated Jewish property? In March 1951, Moshe Sharet informed the Knesset that the State of Israel now has an account to settle with Iraq since the latter expropriated the property of its Jewish subjects. The government of Israel allows itself to balance the value of the property that the Palestinians left with the value of the property that was taken from Jews in Arab lands.

The connection is made by a political logic, however the basic assumptions behind this interesting linkage are not very clear. What is the connection between Iraqi Jews and Palestinians? How can the State of Israel use the property of Iraqi Jews, which is not even in its hands, to settle the account of another problem that it created?"

This article goes into the subject in much more depth, and I have to admit that I don't understand what the article is saying enough to be able to have an opinion on it:

Here's the author's main contention as stated in the article:

My study aimed to show how Israel established a connection between these two demands, and then freed itself from both of them.

I have never called for the government of Israel to return expropriated assets to the Palestinians (with the exception of the removal of the settlements and the return of the land they occupy in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem (on the Palestinian side of the green line), although I used to be of the opinion that all governments who have expropriated assets from anyone should reimburse them for what they took.

However, from reading the article in the second link in this thread, I find that I don't understand the issue enough to have an informed opinion on it. So I defer to the Iraqi Jews on the issue. I think they should get whatever they think is fair, and is feasable. And the Palestinians should recieve equal consideration.