The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69936   Message #1190398
Posted By: Bill D
20-May-04 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Birthday BillD
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday BillD
hmmmm...I don't suppose while you were working on them to believe in me, you sneaked a digital picture?? No?...awww, durn! Now **I** would be willing to submit one of me, holding todays Washington Post for their, could be faked....hmmmmmm...tell you what. Tell 'em to name the night, and I'll meet them at midnight by the old oak tree behind the barn, where I will dance, sing and recite text from "Close Encounters" "E.T." and "Batteries Not Included" and offer to ride to the stars with them!

I aims to be cooperative, I do! Just don't send any little gray so-and-so's who don't have a sense of humor, 'cause I intend to treat them to a LONG tirade from an old philosopher who HATES being the last one to get the facts!

(Oh...BTW...if I get that saucer ride to the stars, you, Little Hawk, are invited to come's only fair trade for the introduction!)