The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47876   Message #1191711
Posted By: GUEST,Anne Croucher
22-May-04 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: Help: Which Regiment(s)
Subject: RE: Help: Which Regiment(s)
Honest - on Battle of Minden Eve the 'Mindenites' sit around in the mess and EAT ROSES. I knows cos I seed em doin it. And one of them did choke and change colour quite alarmingly. First aid was not required, fortunately but he was a bit quiet for the rest of the evening.

The green cockade was apparently issued to volunteers sent to Ireland but just when I can't find out - or how many times -

Now I never said they became stupid - some of the predicaments I have heard about would take a good deal of ingenuity to get into and a touch of genius to extricate oneself from. Most regiments keep books to record the better ones.
