The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70006   Message #1191911
Posted By: Ellenpoly
23-May-04 - 06:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulation, Mr Moore
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulation, Mr Moore
Laurent, this is fantastic news! From the bits and pieces I have read and heard about this film, it sounds as if even those who thought there were flaws (length was one given critisism, another stated that there wasn't enough that was "new" in what was depicted) the general thought was that it was quite a strong attack against the Bush administration, and I for one, rather hope that the film is held off in distribution for just a wee while longer

....Because I still believe (and apparently this theory is being widely spread) that the government has known where Bin Laden is for quite some time and is just holding off on his capture until as close to election time as possible, knowing it's about the only thing that could counter all the dreadful news that has already come out, with more waiting in the wings.

Whenever the Moore film is distributed, I'll be one of the first in line to see it. He has his own problems and sometimes gets in his own way as a film maker, but he has revealed much in the past, and if you've read any of his books, know he pulls few punches. Good for him..xx..e