The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13916   Message #119256
Posted By: paddymac
30-Sep-99 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: Help me undestand Morris Dancing
Subject: RE: Help me undestand Morris Dancing
T in OK and Animaterra have craic-ed the code. I had the great pleasure of making one of the earliest exploratory excursions in a vintage Tardis and can state with authority (having been told by one of the concubinal persons affiliated with the venerable Hokey Pokey and the Druids) that the otherwise seemingly inexplicable gyrations which formed the foundation of the exercise system known today as Morris' Dancing (Morris is reputed to have operated a cut-rate flop-house in the early days of the east end) grew out of a domestic dispute in which a Might in Rusty Armor, being especially vexed by a teeming wave of minute hoppers which had taken up residence under his tin-plate, ill-advisedly communicated to his/her/its domestic partner her/its/his (apparently poorly founded) suspicion that its/his/her vexation was somehow related to micro-faunal population explosions in the partner's deliberate of re-cycled bedding materials.

The practice of swinging sticks or antlers or other longer-than-wide things of variable lengths was added in response to the domestic partners' initial repy to the accusatorily presented hypothesis regarding the origin of the initial population of minute hoppers whose sudden population growth in the warm and moist confines of the Might in Rusty Armor once encased in heavily oxidized plating gave rise to the initial vexation. Later analysts have sometimes suggested that (not entirely convincingly) that this phase of the ritual actually derives from attempts by the tecnologically-challenged Might in Rusty Armor to emulate the defensive force-field which he/she/it perceived encompassing the Tardis. Having initially perceived the original dancers to be non-threateningly disposed towards our observation party, we had taken special care to minimize any possible perceptions on their part of the vastly superior technology represented by our exploration as in-any-way threatening toward them, and thus do not accept the theory of emulative technology, at least as applied to our original visitation. However, our ROD (Report Of Discovery) was enthusiastically received by the COD (Council Of Directors) upon our return and subsequently afirmatively advanced to BOD (Bored Old Duds) and presented to GOD (Goofy Old Dud), who apparently determined to place the locale on the YID (Young Innocent Duds) itinery for field observations, thus increasing the frequency of Tardial incursions and the possibility of adverse encounters between the primitives and Tardial PFFs (Protective Force Fields). A search of the FEP (Field Event Prognosticator) indicates that a more detailed hysterical report was filed next year.