The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70058   Message #1192960
Posted By: George Papavgeris
24-May-04 - 02:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat's Best Poet Contest
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat's Best Poet Contest
Blimey - that's serious stuff!
But anyway, here's one poem what I wrote. It's at least topical, being related to the 2004 Olympics in Athens:

Athens 2004
George Papavgeris, July 2001

The Greeks are known far and wide
as people that are full of pride
And also given to good wine,
as well as food and groping;
But now all that we will forego,
for in 2000 and 4
To people from around the world
our doors we will throw open.

The Olympics are for everyone,
all races, creeds and nations come,
Bolivians, Germans, Russian, French,
Indians and Esthonians.
We're open-minded and fair,
all nations this event may share
Although we hope no-one will dare
invite the Macedonians.

We know that some athletes take drugs
as pills and syrups, even jabs
And they will try all sorts of tricks
to enhance their own performance,
But Greeks will have no need of that,
our boys will train and give up fags (NB "cigarettes" in the UK!)
And we'll sing our lads to victory,
we won't depend on hormones.

So our National Anthem for to sing,
to make the Olympic Stadium ring,
You might well see us practicing
with yodels and with gargles;
Don't worry, it's not another anti-
-NATO demonstration, but
You might be excused for thinking
that we lost our Elgin Marbles.

Now, in the Marathon you know,
we were the first there, long ago,
Anyone else who thinks to take
the gold, is just myopic.
The Bounty of Marathon is ours,
Maltesers, Galaxy and Mars;
Our boys won't Flake, we'll also take
all Yorkies, Twix and Topics.

As for the rest of the events,
we'll not be greedy, we are gents,
We 'll have plenty of chance to show
our calibre as losers.
Our lads will eat and drink the night
away, and all will fear the sight
Of our weightlifting team
led at the head by Demis Roussos.

To the occasion we will rise,
though it's true that we're disorganised
And it's well known that we have had
problems with preparations;
Our brand new airport's now complete,
but try our bus queues in the heat,
And our famous taxi drivers' speed
will give you palpitations.

It's true that we have more church bells
than guest rooms in our few hotels,
Though that's not counting the ones
we rent out by the hour;
Our hospitality's well known,
our home will simply be your home;
That's if you have the dollars,
or you're in for a cold shower.

It's true that in the midday sun
the Olympic Stadium is no fun
And Athens air in summertime
can be full of pollution.
But me and some good friends of mine
discussed this over a case of wine
And we have come up with a smart
and elegant solution:

We'll make a deal with all airlines
to fill up all returning flights
To take the Greeks to cooler climes,
where summer is no bother,
And we will leave the Athens sun
to all the tourists – do have fun,
Just leave the keys under the mat
and tell us when it's over.