The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70006   Message #1193564
Posted By: GUEST,The dreaded guest again
25-May-04 - 08:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulation, Mr Moore
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulation, Mr Moore

fat lazy ignorant people like their information presented in nice movie/TV show sized chunks, it saves them having to do any work and find things out for themselves. If you doubt this just look at how Hollywood movies are often taken to be presenting history as it really happened.

If they then had the chance to see this movie they would then be given something to counter the nice sound bite sized crap they are fed by the Bush administration and maybe just maybe they would question it and not play sheep all the time. That is why it is supressed before it has even been released.

Disney has also stated they may loose substantial tax breaks granted them by the state of Florida which is goverened by, come on guess who, Yes that right Jeb Bush the brother of the president. If that don't stink then you have truely twisted values when it comes to Democratic government.

Have you really looked at Moores website and seen where he quotes from or are Bushes sound bites all you need.