The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70006   Message #1193633
Posted By: Blackcatter
25-May-04 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulation, Mr Moore
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulation, Mr Moore
But to presume that means that documentaries are easy to get distributed, as Blackcatter has suggested, is patently untrue, and I don't know where s/he gets ideas like that.

I cannot recall ever saying that - either in this thread or anywhere else. In this thread I have spoken specifically of Michael Moore's work, not documentary film making in geenral.


Disney has also stated they may loose substantial tax breaks granted them by the state of Florida

I still haven't seen evidence that they've said this, though I may have missed something the earlier thread on this subject discussed that in some depth, and I thought it was "charged" that Disney was feeling that way. As I pointed out in that thread, Disney pays a great deal in taxes and generates a great deal in taxes through all of you tourists who spend while visiting the Orlando area (and I thank you since I don't have any state income tax to pay). Do they get some tax breaks - certainly, but that is at least in part because they get a "quantity discount."

I can assure you that they pay tens of millions of dollars in property tax alone. Disney's property in Orange and Osceola Counties is divided up into different parcels to differentiate between different millage rates, but looking at just the 4 major theme parks on their property, each one's current tax bill is over $5 million dollars. Disney's combined property tax bill is probably around $50 million.

As I've said before, I'm no defender of Disney - but their descision to not distribute Moore's movie has more to do with the political leanings of their directors than anything real, such as tax breaks. If Disney could show that they lost perfectly leagal tax breaks for distributing this movie, they would not only have a really good lawsuit, it would allow the company to say "See - we're for free speech and the government is punishing us. ABC news (Disney) would LOVE that!

This has nothing to do with tax breaks. At Disney's annual stockholders meeting Eisner basically got a no-confidence vote of over 40%. Nearly everyone assume that he would step down since so few stcokholders supported him. He has not. This is all about a company that does what it bloody well wants. That is the reality of the top multinational companies.

Sorry to go on.