The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66856   Message #1193642
Posted By: Mrrzy
25-May-04 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'rant here' thread #2
Subject: RE: BS: 'rant here' thread #2
OK, check this one out. Because I wasn't getting child support I couldn't pay bills. Because I couldn't pay bills I got "public assistance" (euphemism for welfare). Because I got welfare, the child support enforcement people got off their duffs and actually started enforcing - and got $300 out of my X. BUT - because I am on public assistance, THE GOV'T KEPT THE MONEY - to pay back the welfare I'd already gotten. Why don't they enforce when my KIDS would get the money? When I was told Oh, yes, apply for this aid, that will force the child support enforcement people actually to enforce... nobody told me that what they enforced would benefit THE GOV, not MY KIDS. And what REALLY MADE ME MAD is that I, of all people, should have known better when told We are from the government and we are here to help you. Should have known they'd be helping themselves... AAARGGGHHH!!!