The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70109   Message #1194360
Posted By: George Papavgeris
26-May-04 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Duped by the Mullahs
Subject: RE: BS: Duped by the Mullahs
I don't see this as a very successfull sleight-of-hand, if that is what it's meant to be. The Bush administration is still the one that started the pre-emptive war against Iraq, no avoiding that fact. And there was significant doubt already as to the excuse/premise (i.e. the existence of WMDs). The UN, the inspectors, a number of countries like France-Germany-Russia, and millions of protestors were telling Bush so before he started. That is also an unavoidable fact - they were warned.

For me, all this episode does is to add insult to injury (deservedly so), because it indicates a naivete in the Bush administration that is nothing less than childish and foolish. If the claims about Iran's involvement prove true, it means that the biggest superpower in the world was made to appear a superfool by Iran. Not only are we angry at Bush's administration for starting the war, and for its conduct during and after it, we would be also given cause to laugh at it - if only we could, in the current climate.

How much credibility is left for the US now in the world... precious little. At least a generation of rebuilding will be needed. And Britain will not go unscathed either - I worry that the "lapdog" image will stick.

Personally, I take it for granted that neither the Bush nor the Blair administrations will be returned to office. I care little for that, they have earned it, not least through ineptitude. But I do care that both countries need to rebuild their image, and in this context resignation or impeachment would be a far better step than simply waiting out the time till the elections.