The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69843   Message #1194367
Posted By: beardedbruce
26-May-04 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: It has been over 24 hrs. and.....
Subject: RE: BS: It has been over 24 hrs. and.....
The name in Latin means "after this therefore because of this".
This describes the fallacy. An author commits the fallacy when
it is assumed that because one thing follows another that the
one thing was caused by the other.

(i) Immigration to Alberta from Ontario increased. Soon
after, the welfare rolls increased. Therefore, the increased
immigration caused the increased welfare rolls.
(ii) I took EZ-No-Cold, and two days later, my cold

Show that the correlation is coincidental by showing that: (i)
the effect would have occurred even if the cause did not
occur, or (ii) that the effect was caused by something other
than the suggested cause.

So, GUEST Tia, you claim that (i)the US would have withdrawn even without the anti-war protests? seems like they all wasted a lot of time and energy, then. Or is it (ii) Th US withdrew because of some other reason than the anti-war protest? Again, you are stating that the entire anti-war effort was pointless, and had no effect on what happened.

I doubt it.