The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70061   Message #1194612
Posted By: dianavan
27-May-04 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraqi women and the Koran
Subject: RE: BS: Iraqi women and the Koran
Martin - Are you saying if American men are not circumcised, they are un-American?

Circumcision is another 'outdated' custom that may or may not be hygienic, depending on the man. It certainly, in light of what we know about child psychology, can be described as sexual assault. This explains why you so 'hung up' about hygiene and yet have such a filthy tongue.

It also explains alot about male hostility and aggression. I'd certainly be pissed off if someone did that to me with parental approval. Some cultures even celebrate the rite. How barbaric!

Just goes to show you how we got into this mess in the first place.