The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2765   Message #11951
Posted By: Shula
07-Sep-97 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Candle in the Wind (Elton John)
Subject: RE: Goodbye, England's Rose
Tim Jacques : Perhaps greater depth requires greater thought, not to say, time, in the composition of a suitable memorial.

As to Elton John's contribution, I know he hadn't much time, but I do wish he had started with better material. WHATEVER he sang was sure to have been huge. I'd have wished for something more specific about the princess in the lyrics.

Personally, I was put in mind of Ben Jonson's "Have You Seen But a White Lilly Grow?" from F. H. Potter"s "Reliquary of English Song." It embodies the fragility of innocence.
