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Thread #69027   Message #1196470
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
29-May-04 - 12:46 AM
Thread Name: Songbook Indexing: Silver Burdett School Songbooks
Subject: RE: School Songbook Index PermaThread
The Music Hour Series
Osbourne McConathy, J. W. Beattie, R. V. Morgan
Illus.- Various Artists
Silver Burdett Company
Junior High and/or High School
252 pp., 1936
Note- Many expanded scores, e. g., "Panis Angelicus," Cesar Franck music, is five pages (Latin and English). Extended lyrics to many of the traditional songs. Many songs with both English and original language.

Units I-XIX - Songs, organized by subject and/or region. Unit IX, Songs the Cowboy Sings, by Alice G. Whitmire, some with harmonica notation.
XX - Exploring the Materials of Music
-Plays, Pageants and Festivals, Roundup Camp (into which the songs in the book may be intercalated.

Adios Te Digo (Argentina)
Ah, Lovely Meadows (Czech)
America, the Beautiful
Anna's Rosy Cheeks (Ukrainian)
At the Foot of Yonders Mountain (trad.)
Autumn Song (Tune "Le Gentil Hussard")

Bee, The (German)
Beseda (Czech)
Branch of the Sweet and Early Rose (Irish)
Buxom Lassies (Swedish)
Buy My Tortillas (Chile)

Camptown Races, The
Carol (French)
Challange to Youth
Charlie Knapp (Wyoming, cowboy)
Cherry Bloom (Japan)
Choucoune (Haiti)
Clanking Spurs (Poland)
Come Soon (German)
Contentment (German)

Daybreak (German)
Deaf Woman's Courtship (trad.)
Dying Cowboy, The (Wyoming version)

Evening Song (German)

Farewell to the Woods (trad.)
Flower of Changunga (Tarascan Mexican)
Flow, River, Flow ((Russian)
Frog Went Co'tin', The (trad.)

Gardener, The (German)
"Glendy Burk," The (Foster)
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
Goose Girl, The (Czech)
Grasshopper and the Ant, The (Italian)

He Is Born (Bulgarian Carol)
Highways and Byways
Holy Season, The (Croatian Carol)
Hopak (Ukraine)
Hurdy-Gurdy Man, The (German)
Hurry Up, Fellows (Polish)

I Couldn't hear Nobody Pray (Negro Spiritual)
In My Garden Is a Hazel Tree (Ukraine)
In the Boat (German-Danish)
In the Woods (German)

Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair (Foster)
Jingle Medley

Kitchen Kalendar, The
Kites Are Flying (Chinese)
Krakowiak (Polish)
Kyrie Eleison (Yugoslav Carol)

Lantern Glowing (Chinese)
Leather Breeches (Cowboy, Trad.)
Little Folk Song (German)
Little Joe, the Wrangler (Cowboy, trad.)
Little Red Lark, The (Irish)
Logie O'Buchan (Scottish)
Lovely Cuba, 'Tis You (Sanchez, Sanchez de Fuentes)
Lullaby (Japanese)

Maddalena (Italian)
May Night (German)
Mist and All, The (Willson, Cain)
Morning Praise
Morning Song (Mealand)
My Bambino (Italian)
My Friend (Ukraine)
My Homeland (Swedish)
My Pretty Cabocla (Portuguese)

Nelly Bly (Foster)
Neptune (Swedish)
Night and Day (R. L. Stevenson)
Nightingale, The (Italian)
Night Will Never Stay, The (Farjeon- MacCarthy)
No Is My Answer (Slovak)

Old Chisholm Trail, The (Wyoming version)
Old Paint (Wyoming version)
Only the Lonely Heart (German)
On the Mall - March (Goldman)
On the Mall - Score -Goldman)
O Saviour Sweet (Bach)

Palapala (Quechua, Argentina)
Panis Angelicus (Latin, Franck)
Peace to All (Croatian)
Pearl, The (Puerto Rico)
Peasant's Vesper Song (Russian)
Peddler's Pack, The (Russian)
Pilgrim, The (German)
Prayer For Peace (Bach music)
Pretty Sally (trad.)

Ring, Ring the Banjo (Foster)

Scale, The (Three-Part Canon) (Beethoven)
Scissors Grinder, The (Italian)
Serenade (Schubert)
Sing to the Seasons! (German)
Sirup Is So Sweet (Martinique)
Song of the Shepherd Lehl (Russian)
Song to Oshima (Japanese)
Spring (Swedish)
Street Vendors, The (Chinese)
Sweet Bells (Mozart)

There Is a Tavern in the Town (American college version)
This Is the House That Jack Built (English)
Three Rousing Cheers (German)
Tic-Ti Tic-ta (Italian)
To the Home of My Beloved (Greek)
To the Sunshine (German)
Trail to Mexico, The (Cowboy, trad.)
Trumpeter, Blow (Slovak)
Twelve O'Clock Is Striking (Croatian Carol)
Two Brothers, The (trad.)

Uncle Johnnie (Greek)

Verdant Meadows (Handel)

What Light Is That? (Yugoslav Carol)
Yaravi (Quechua, Peru)

Zebra Dun, The (Wyoming version)