The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70134   Message #1196787
Posted By: DonD
29-May-04 - 07:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: I dare you not to laugh at these!
Subject: RE: BS: I dare you not to laugh at these!
My favorite tour guide was in Bruges, Belgium. We debarked from the bus on the canal bank and he patiently explained in excruciating detail the architecture and function of each of the many beautiful Guild Houses on the opposite bank. One woman who had been a complainer and nuisance all day was afraid that she was being shortchanged; she asked peremptorally, "Tell us about that clock over there!" After a long pause, during which the rese of groaned silently, the guide replied, "That clock, Madam, is to tell the time in Bruges." We couldn't restrain ourselves from laughter and applause.