The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70134   Message #1197057
Posted By: Blackcatter
30-May-04 - 09:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: I dare you not to laugh at these!
Subject: RE: BS: I dare you not to laugh at these!
Hi all

Don't know if speed humps are common outside the U.S. - not the narrow bumps that fail to actually slow someone down, but a much wider version. In the US they're starting to look like mesas on some roads. Work pretty well at slowing down cars, but I've discovered they're tricky on a bike. And unlike most speed bumps, there's no cut through and often not side area for a bike to pass through. I'll complain to the county, but I doubt I'll get much of a response. My county isn't concerned with safe biking unless you do it for "fun" People drive themselves and their bikes ten miles to official trails for biking and walking. Unfortunately, people like me are stuck sharing the roadways without any bikelanes.