The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70006   Message #1197097
Posted By: GUEST
30-May-04 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulation, Mr Moore
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulation, Mr Moore
Ah DougR, your partisan prejudices not only blind you, but they make you look like a man who doesn't know what on earth he is talking about. Which you obviously don't, since you seem to think that has the power and the inclination to get into the film distribution business.

The Newsday article, some of which I agree with (the part about the Hollywoodization of the festival), is mostly just a hateful screed against Moore, which is very nasty in a most personal way. Anyone who writes like that, attacking the person rather than criticizing the film, is immediately dismissed by me, as they should be by any reasonable person.

I do make distinctions DougR, between vicious personal attacks on George W. Bush, and legitimate political criticism of him as a political leader and of his policies. Despite my being on the radical left politically, I bear him no ill will personally, I just want to see him voted out of office, and the political leadership in Washington to change. To work towards that end is my right as a citizen in a democracy.

But taking cheap shots at an film icon at the apex of his career because you don't like his politics? That is just plain mean, and I'm most certainly NOT impressed with the article you provide a link to, although I will thank you for drawing attention to a journalist whom I had never encountered before. Now I know I can dismiss any of his criticisms, legitimate or otherwise, because he has poisoned the well with his unethical behavior. Clearly, he is one of the Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity/Barnum Bailey school of yellow journalism ilk.