The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70134   Message #1198296
Posted By: Ellenpoly
02-Jun-04 - 04:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: I dare you not to laugh at these!
Subject: RE: BS: I dare you not to laugh at these!
Annamil, that was so funny about your son!!!

Yes, I agree we should all be able to perform household tasks, and in a perfect world I'd be able to take apart all the electrical applicances in my flat and fix them as well.

But as we know, not all of us are wired that way. I look on with awe and not a little lust at anyone who is handy around the house or garage. Learning how to fiddle with small objects until they hum is no small feat in any room of the house!

Blackcatter-A BICYCLE!!!! OMG...dare I make a comparison with another person at this juncture? Nope, better not. Can't imagine there's anything else the same about you two. HE certainly isn't a whiz with houshold chores, much less able to hold forth on religion, philosophy...let's face it, the man must have someone else tie his shoelaces.

Betcha he would have stood there nodding to your son in agreement, annamil!
