The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70236   Message #1198856
Posted By: ddw
02-Jun-04 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: 60 Minutes Shows US Casualty Pics...
Subject: RE: BS: 60 Minutes Shows US Casualty Pics...

I haven't seen such a good, foot-stomping tantrum since my son was three.

And here I was thinking your just hadn't had any thoughts at all since you were fed all the social-conscious claptrap and drivel back in your college days. You've obviously regressed a lot further than that.

A couple of points of clarification....

Bush isn't "my man." Nor do I necessarily support his position in Iraq. Except the part of him wanting to get out and leave them to it as quickly as he can. My preference for Bush is over Gore, who is such a dithering idiot that I can't imagine what would have happened if he'd been in the Whitehouse on 9/11. Maybe he would have apologized for building those tall buildings in front of the planes the terrorists were flying. Bet that would have made you happy!

As far as I can tell, your definition of a "fascist" is anybody who doesn't agree with your pie-in-the-sky view of the world and how things ought to be, so I won't even try to dissuade you from calling me one. That's sorta like trying to describe "blue" to a colorblind man.

The New York Times a conservative paper? Since when? They've always been considered a little left of center, but more balanced than most and certainly more likely to cover issues in the backwaters of the world than most media outlets.

What?!! They printed something you disagreed with?!!

Well, there you go. They're fascists! Thanks for letting me know.

Oh, as as for your railing against war-mongering Republicans, maybe you should read a little history. Woodrow Wiilson, a Democrat, led the U.S. into WWI; FDR, a Democrat, led the U.S. into WWII; Harry S Truman, a Democrat, led the U.S. into the Korean War; Eisenhower, a Republican, got the U.S. out of Korea and strongly warned against becoming involved in Viet Nam. JFK, a Democrat, opened that can of worms with a few "advisors" and LBJ, a Democrat, jumped into that swamp with both feet. (Talk about a LIAR!!!!) Richard Nixon, a Republican, finally got the U.S. out (and, incidentally, reopened relations with China), but he had other problems.

In fact, Bush Sr. was the first Republican president since Lincoln to lead the U.S. into a war and he did it for pretty sound economic reasons, not some pie-in-the-sky idealism. We can all wish he had followed through at the time (especially in relation to the Kurds' uprising and his lack of support), but the fact that he didn't and the fact that Bush Jr. took the unfortunate tack of trying to sell the Iraq invasions as a humanitarian effort is more due to the fact that they were trying to satisfy idiots like you than that they're lying for the fun of it, the way Johnson did.

One last point. You decry the 22,000 Iraqis killed since the invasion started and the continued mounting casualty list. Just answer one question (truthfully would be better, but I'm not sure you're up that) — how many of them were killed or maimed by OTHER IRAQIS?

