The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70279   Message #1199001
Posted By: Tracey Dragonsfriend
03-Jun-04 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Eureopean Voting, who you voting for/
Subject: RE: BS: Eureopean Voting, who you voting for/
As there's not an honest one amongst the lot, who cares?

My Grandad used to say "Politicians are a lot of lying, cheating, thieving bastards! Don't vote for them - it only encourages them...", and the older I get, the more I agree with him.
Anybody who WANTS to be a politician should automatically be barred from doing so, as it shows they're just in it for the power - we should have to haul somebody into the job, kicking and screaming.

Why isn't there a "none of the above" option? That way we could keep throwing out the useless ones till somebody reasonable had a go!

Such is life...
Scorch's Pyrography