The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70286   Message #1199735
Posted By: Bobert
03-Jun-04 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Summer 2004--Yard & Garden
Subject: RE: BS: Summer 2004--Yard & Garden
Well, Iz beat... Been weeding and mulchin' all danged day... I'm on my fourth truck load of mulch (2 yards per load). But all the palnting is finished... I had 13 acubas and another half a dozen azaleas to plant, plus till the veggie garden and plant it. It has been unusually warm and wet so evrything is growin' like gangbusters... The tomatoe plants are allready 3 feet tall... Most of the spring bloomers have come and gone however, we have several variet if irises either in bloom or getting ready to bloom... I've been pulling out bee balm because it was becoming invasive but have a stand mixed with cleomi about 10 feet by 4 feet so the humming bird will be real happy... I'm going to be potting up linten roses to give away since I have hundreds of babies... We've been spraying a lot of Liquid Fence on flox and hostas to keep the deer off them... The voles are real pesky and we've taken to using more Permiti;; in the soil we mix up for plantings...

Lavender is beginning to bloom. Salvia is blooming. Candy tuff still blooming. The ornimental grasses are doing great...

One proble I have is that the P-Vine has gone to work at a garden center one day a week and gets a 25% discount. To date she has made $700 but spent $1000. Hmmmmmm? The Wes Ginny Slide Rule warned me about this possible scenerio...

Oh well, the gardens have never been more impressive... But a lot of work...
