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Thread #69027   Message #1199806
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
03-Jun-04 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: Songbook Indexing: Silver Burdett School Songbooks
Subject: RE: School Songbook Index PermaThread
Teacher's Guide to the Fifth Book, 333 pp.
McConathy, Osbourne and Miessner, Birge, Bray
Silver Burdett Co.

Index of Accompaniments for Songs in the Fifth Book
(1st. page no., for (students') Fifth Book; 2nd. page no., Teacher's Guide)
America (Smith, Carey) 166, 323                              
Ancient Polonaise, The (Turner, Polish folk) 141, 306
Annie Laurie (Douglas of Fingland,, Lady John Scott) 99, 245
Anvil Chorus (Trad., Verdi) 140, 286
April! April! (Goodale, Hammond) 106, 252
Auld Lang Syne (Burns, Scotch air) 32, 189
Autumn (Manley, Gramm) 28, 184
Aviator, The (Moroney, Hosmer) 68, 214
Battle Hymn of the Republic (Howe, Steffe) 160, 322
Bird Calls (Bartholomew) 144, 294
Bolero, The (Conkling, Sp. melody) 94, 232
Brooklet, The (Müller, Schubert) 90, 230
By the Waves (Sangster, Peterson-Berger) 98, 244
Caraway and Cheese (Hungarian, Walker, W-Grille) 95, 243
Celestial Aïda (Ghislanzoni, Verdi) 140, 278
Child's Book, A (Keeler, Ganz) 117, 262
Christmas Stars (Martens, Russian) 53, 208
Clouds (Martens, Chopin) 148, 306
Counting Ten (Martens, Haydn) 12, 168
Dance of the Happy Spirits (von Gluck) 10, 168
Day of Sunshine, A (Longfellow, van Beethoven) 7, 167
Dream Song (de la Mare, Miessner) 127, 272
Early Summer in Russia (Dunbar, Shvedoff) 147, 208
Evening Prayer (Martens, Humperdinck) 82, 222
Fairy Ring, The (Thomas) 26, 218
Farandole (Dunbar, French melody) 93, 238
Fishermen, The (Underhill, Wekerlin) 92, 236
Forth to the Meadows (German, Schubert) 100, 240
Friendship (German, Mozart) 108, 254
Gondoliera (Weeks, di Capua) 113, 260
Goodnight (Barnard, Hammond) 51, 203
Green Holiday (Dunbar, Polish folk) 92, 237
Happy New Year (Higdon, Higdon) 62, 210
Harvest Home (Dryden, Purcell) 33, 190
Hidden Stream, The (Martens, Bach) 23, 188
Home, Sweet Home (Payne, Bishop) 48, 199
How to Tell Wild Animals (Wells, German Folk) 24, 182
Hungarian Dancing Song (Hungarian) 84, 225
If Any Little Word of Ours (Unk., MacCarthy) 158, 316
In Summer Time When Flow'rs Do Spring (Trad, Sellinger) 153, 309
In the Patio (Dunbar, Sp.) 131, 271
Isalei (Beck, Fijian song)
Italian Street Fair (Conkling, Italian Folk) 46, 198
Japanese National Anthem (trans. Turner, Kimigayo) 22, 179
Jeanne d'Arc (Barnekow, French air) 14, 172
John Highlandman (Burns, Scotch) 76, 219
Joys of Spring (German, Vogel) 109, 258
Kelvin Grove (Trad., Scotch) 15, 173
King of China's Daughter, The (Sitwell, Daniels) 15, 173
Largo (Williams, Handel) 105, 250
Last Rose of Summer, The (Moore, Irish folk) 36, 192
Let Songs of Praise Arise (Rogers, Bach) 39, 195
Little Turtle, The (Vachel Lindsay, Carpenter) 159, 214
March (Bryant, Hanson) 96, 241
Market Day (Brown, Schumann) 61, 207
Morning-Glories (Brown, Parker) 1, 160
"Movie" Dream, A (Dunbar, Mozart) 13, 170
My Golden Fish (Russian) 101, 246
My Heart's in the Highlands (Burns, Scotch) 6, 165
My Pocket (Hungarian) 94, 239
Nightingale's Complaint, The (Hungarian) 16, 171
Night Will Never Stay, The (Farjeon, Hanson) 79, 224
O'er the Steppes (Turner, Russian) 28, 181
Old Black Joe ((Foster, Foster) 87, 233
Only One (Cooper, Parker) 142, 290
Plaint of the Camel, The (Carryl, Bartholomew) 54, 204
Planting Hops (Russian) 42, 195
Planting Poppies (Russian) 84, 226
Primrose, The (Martens, Grieg) 128, 274
Procession of Flowers (Anon., Cole) 152, 318
Rhyme of the Country Road, The (Marean, Sowerby) 137, 280
Rosy O'Moore (Lover, Irish air) 156, 312
Rowing (Upton, Coerne) 22, 180
Shall I Sing? (Greenaway, Parker) 108, 255
Snake Charmer, The (Larkin, Hindustan) 103, 248
Snow, The (Carrick, Reger) 36, 191
Song For Arbor Day (trans., Tschaikowsky) 112, 247
Spanish Gypsy, The (Spanish) 152m 308
Spirit of the Birch, The (Ketchum, Miessner) 149, 299
Spring in Holland (Dunbar, Queen Hortense) 21, 178
Spring Night (Bliss Carman, Elgar) 132, 285
Star-Spangled Banner, The (Key, Smith) 164, 320
Sweet the Angelus Is Ringing ((Smart) 122, 266
Tarantella (Brown, Italian folk) 78, 220
Thanksgiving Hymn (Anon., Netherlands tune) 68, 213
Three Little Ships, The (Wynne, Protheroe) 20, 176
Time Enough (Braley, Chadwick) 157, 310
Toadstool, The (Holmes, Lester) 154, 324
To a Humming Bird (Cheney, W.-Grille) 2, 159
To a Robin (Mohr, Mohr) 120, 264
Today (Carlyle, Reinecke) 19, 175
To the Evening Star (Brown, Schumann) 21, 175
Traffic Man, The (Wynne, Cole) 3, 163
Twilight Song (Conkling, Italian folk) 30, 186
Two By Two (Weeks, J. Strauss) 72, 217
Under the Window (Greenaway, Parker) 2, 162
Vagabond's Life, The (Turner, Polish folk) 81, 226
Waltz in A-Flat (Brahms) 59, 209
Wandering (trad., Schubert) 91, 214
Wayside Spring, The (Upton, Coerne) 8, 166
Weel May the Keel Row (Trad., Scotch) 37, 194
Who Has Seen the Wind? (Rossetti, Beach) 86, 228
Winter Landscape (Larkin, von Weber) 61, 210

Themes in the Fifth Book

Dance of the Happy Spirits (von Gluck) 10, 168
Entrance of the Tradesmen, from Midsummer Night's Dream (70, 216)
"New World" Symphony (Dvorak) 38, 185
Nocturne, from "Midsummer Night's Dream" (Mendelssohn) 97, 248
"Raymond Overture" (Thomas) 18, 174
"Symphony Pathetique" (Tchaikowsky) 53, 208
"Violin Sonatina" (Dvorak) 114, 257
Waltz in A-Flat (Brahms) 59, 209

Music Appreciation - Biographies - Teacher's Guide, pp. 117-158.