The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70279   Message #1199901
Posted By: GUEST,Noddy
04-Jun-04 - 02:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Eureopean Voting, who you voting for/
Subject: RE: BS: Eureopean Voting, who you voting for/
I'm voting for Teribus. I'd love to see the cheeky buggar get elected and then catch hell from everyone over all the assorted ills of society for a few years before he gets turfed out for good. It'll be fun having Teribus to blame for everything. Then he could write his bloody memoirs and bore the bollocks off the lot of us!

Ellen, I will buy your vote so I can vote for Teribus twice. I will pay you two bob. Deal?

I also want to reelect Charles de Gaule, but the bugger has gone and died, so I can't. Too bloody bad. He got up everyone's nose and kept things interesting for awhile.