The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70356   Message #1200263
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
04-Jun-04 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: BS / Non-BS Suggestion
Subject: BS: BS / Non-BS Suggestion
Seems like every day a few non-music threads get started without the "BS" prefix. While most such instances are due to simple forgetfulness or newcomers' not knowing any better, they always seem to draw out the harpies who like to scream, in their ear-piercing voices, "This is not about music! Move it! Where's that JoeClone? I demand that this thread be moved NOW! Its presence here offends me as if it were a dog turd on the dinner table!" (As you can probably guess, I find their over-reaction and lack of patience to be far more offensive than the offending thread's accidental inclusion above the BS line.)

It would seem to me that much of the problem could be solved by requiring that one state whether a thread is about music or non-music before it is even created. This would entail the addition of a single input-required field into the database. Then, when someone creates a new thread, the first thing he or she sees is a simple question like "Is this thread on a MUSICAL or NON-MUSICAL topic? (Click on one or the other.)" If you don't answer the question you don't get to the Create-a-Thread screen.

Of course, this would not prevent subversive, radical, nihilistic anarchists from intentionally infiltrating the MUSIC section and seeding it with BS and thus bringing the whole structure crumbling to the ground, but it would help forgetful old farts remember that BS is BS.
