The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14160   Message #120080
Posted By: Big Mick
02-Oct-99 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
The door flies open and Big Mick comes strolling across the floor....mumbling, sputtering......and wearing a slinky dress and blonde wig..................HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU........the f888ing things I do for this place, he mumbles, if any of my buddies hear about this I am done......HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MUDCAT, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.........Hey, what the hell happened to this place? Bejazus, but it looks like a bomb................YOU THERE, CLEIGH, GET OUT OF THAT GUYS POCKETS......Shit, it's Leej........Give the money back, possum, our I will make a fockin' handwarmer out of ye............WHO'S THERE.........Oh, hi Alice, obviously you weren't drinkin'.........I'm not sure but ole Bert over there may not come out of this.......DAMMIT CLEIGH, PUT THAT STUFF BACK IN THE PURSE.......What, Alice?.....Thanks, it is a nice dress. But do me a favor and don't tell anyone you saw it.......What's that noise.......NO, NO, DON'T DO IT 'SPAW, YOU SUMMBITCH....TAKE THAT PICTURE AND YOU WILL NEVER COME OUT OF THE WOODS IN VIRGINIA......SHIT, he took it.........I'm going to skin him, shit, lookit that boy run...........If the boy shows that picture to THE FAIR ONE I am done for.........What Alice?...........Hell no I don't want to borrow a pushup bra. Damn, Now even Alice is starting on this shit.........................