The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68675   Message #1200818
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
05-Jun-04 - 02:24 AM
Thread Name: Jack Hudson (singer from Derbyshire)
Subject: RE: Jack Hudson
I phone Jack and keep him informed of the thread and and any developments. It would be nice if somehow we could translate our good wishes for this great artist into gaining him some kind of recognition.

it is difficult to commit to a gig months in advance at a venue we ain't sure of.

personally I am convinced, he needs either a prominent artist to record one of his songs - either that or exposure of his singing talent at a major festival like Cambridge and I don't mean 10 minutes in the club tent. God knows he deserves that spot on the main stage.

If anybody out these has access to movers and shakers that book Cambridge, Glastonbury or whatever - that is what Jack really needs. as it is they should be bitterly ashamed of neglecting a voice of such stunning beauty.