The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70397   Message #1201143
Posted By: Peace
05-Jun-04 - 11:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ronald Reagan - Sadly Missed
Subject: RE: BS: Ronald Reagon - Sadly Missed
Well, I don't agree with that. I think all people try to improve the world. On average, most of us don't become rich or famous enough to be presidents or kings, etc. But we all try to the extent of our abilities. Left or right wingers.

I am usually left of center on most things, but I find myself being to the right of many folks on issues like the death penalty and certain wars.

That said, he was a mediocre president and Reaganomics was devastating to poor people. Helped the rich, though. Yes, he helped rid Germany of the Berlin Wall, but basically the Eastern Bloc was 'spent' into oblivion, and that was done by taxpayers, willingly or unwillingly.

I said a short prayer for his family. However, unlike Donne, I am not of the opinion that ANY man's death diminishes me. I don't feel that his did. Many people will feel differently. I am not happy he died, but neither am I sad about it.

Bruce M