The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70405   Message #1201209
Posted By: Sam Pirt
06-Jun-04 - 04:38 AM
Thread Name: Ethno England @ York, NCEM
Subject: Ethno England @ York, NCEM
Hi All

June 15th, York National Centre for Early Music, St Margarets Church, Walmgate, YO1 9TL
Tickets £8 / £6 students & under 18's £3.50
Box Office 01904 658338

Come and See all of the Ethno England Participants & artistic leaders perform. The participants will be coming from Zimbabwe, Sweden, Germany, Scotland, England, Serbia, Ghana and more. The artisic leaders are James Fagen, Tim Van Eyken, Sam Pirt, Kristine Heebol, Erik Rydvall, Ian Stphenson and Sophy Ball.
This will be the first performance the participants give during the camp. Come and hear some of the music that they have been learning at the camp. At the camp each coutry teach's their own folkmusic, song and dance to the other countrys. They will be performiong some of these. There may also be some cameos by some of the groups from the Ethno England Folkmusic Camp.

The evening is goind to start with a performance by The Beverley Community Choir.

This is one evening NOT to miss. Watch and listen as music, song and dance from around the world bringh people together as one.

For morte information about Ethno England, Folkmusic Camps or Education Programme please get in touch -