The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14160   Message #120138
Posted By: WyoWoman
02-Oct-99 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
Yes, Yes, Skarpi. A deep dish of Icelandic Brennivin was the only way we could get Big Mick to wear that dress and wig. Only we TOLD him it was a draught of Guinness, and we put a little coffee in it for coloring. Welcome back to you, by the way. Haven't seen you in these parts for a while. Is Iceland cold and dark by now? Can you see the Aurora Borealis from your part of the world?

'Spaw -- You are onto something there, buddy. Get OFF, Get OFFF, dammit... I didn't mean THAT, JAYzuz. I meant with your "What the Fock: " book. You know that entire series of "...for Dummies" books -- "Computers for Dummies" or "Auto Repair for Dummies," "Sex for Dummies," "Masturbation for REAL Dummies," -- all that stuff? I think you could do an entire series of "What tha' Fock:" books, translating so much of contemporary life that so few of us actually understand.

I'll edit. And I'll be Joe's press-but-nothing-comes-out specialist in his presidential campaign. I could use some public relations.
