The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70356   Message #1202145
Posted By: The Shambles
07-Jun-04 - 01:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: BS / Non-BS Suggestion
Subject: RE: BS: BS / Non-BS Suggestion
So let's not get our knickers in a twist, or our shorts in a knot
over issues of free speech and censorship - that isn't what this is about. If you want to start a thread about THOSE issues, feel free -
but be sure to label it BS. (Or Non-Music, if the term BS offends you, for pete's sake.)


The only twisted knickers would appear to be yours. And you would also appear to have the corncob that you see up the butt of others, well and truly stuck up your own, to add to your discomfort. Not, I would suggest, a posture that will contribute to much clear thinking.

What you think is relevant to this thread is your opinion to which you are perfectly welcome to express anywhere. What I think this idea is about, in my opinion, is to reduce exactly the sort of judgements you are showing here, about what belongs where and the actions taken as a result of them.

Which of us is right or if both of us are wrong, matters not a jot. It is the exchange of different views that is important and that we show enough respect to conduct this exchange without resorting to personal abuse and judgement.

This sort of judgement on the worth of other people's posts and where these should appear, seems and is encouraged, so that it is rapidly becoming the only game in town. This obsession with order, what is on-topic and what should be posted where and why, threatens to overshadow that the important thing is that folk are encouraged to contribute. It was an issue that many of us thought sorted here a long time ago and one that this thread is trying to address.

If you agree with a view expressed in a thread, and post to do this, fine. If you disagree, and you post to do this, that is also fine. You can just also just ignore it - that is also fine. What and where others choose to post - is a matter only for them. The idea suggested in the original post will just mean a simple choice between one side of the forum or another and if implemented, should certainly help to get us back to encouraging each other to contribute.