The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70462   Message #1202296
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
07-Jun-04 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Sheitel Song: Burn Your Wig
Subject: The Sheitel Song: Burn Your Wig
As some of you may or may not know, their is a tradition among ultra-orthodox married Jewish women, that they must keep their hair covered at all times. Most have chosen to wear wigs as opposed to snoods, hats, or kerchiefs. The less affluent wear synthetic wigs, while the more affluent and ostentatious can spend between $3,000 and $7,000 for an expensive designer wig made from human hair. One source for this hair is from the Far East and India in particular. It has recently come to the attention of Rabbinnical authorities on Jewish law, that a large supply of this hair was coming from Temples, where in the Hindu religion, young women were cutting off their hair and offering it as a sacrifice to the god Vishnu. The high priests of the Temple were in turn selling this hair to wig makers The fact that this hair was used for idolatry immediately rendered all wigs made in India non-kosher according to Jewish law. Not only were they not allowed to be worn, but no benefit at all was allowed to be derived from them. According to biblical command anything used for idol worship had to be burnt. 3 weeks ago, the New York Times carried a front page article on the huge bon-fires that were set up in the Hasidic neighborhoods of Brooklyn for the purpose of destroying these wigs. As a result someone using the pseudonym of D. Turner wrote the following song. He did not want to use his real name for fear of being ostracised by the community in which he lives. There are 3 Jewish words that appear in the sing requiring translation. They are as follows. Sheitel = Wig. Avoda Zara = Idol Worship apikores = non-believer. The different names in the song (including Chevy) refer to famous brands of wigs. The melody is to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands".

   If you're Jewish and you know it, burn your wig
   You love God and want to show it, burn your wig
   Unless your instincts are prophetic
   And your sheitel is synthetic
   Go ahead, you won't regret it, burn your wig

   Semi-custom, fall or box, burn your wig
   Avoda Zara's in those locks, burn your wig
   Be it a Frieda,Ralph or Clary
   Might as well be Mother Mary
   So be very, very wary, burn your wig

   If it's blond or black or brown, burn your wig
   Don't be the apikores in town, burn your wig
   Take it off and don't go near it
   Wear a snood ? You'll have to bear it
   Drive a Chevy but don't wear it, burn your wig

   Do what's right, don't be heretical, burn your wig
   Just stay calm, don't get hysterical, burn your wig
   Your whole life is still ahead
   Go put butter on your bread
   But no Buddha on your head, burn your wig.

A friend sent this to me by e-mail, and that is how the song is being clandestinely distributed in the orthodox Jewish community. SOL ZELLER