The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70356   Message #1202344
Posted By: The Shambles
07-Jun-04 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: BS / Non-BS Suggestion
Subject: RE: BS: BS / Non-BS Suggestion
I have no wish to have this thread or any other one, focus on me. But perhaps a little explanation for my determination on this matter is required. Perhaps then the original idea or the change that is to be imposed, can be addressed?

Since four years ago, when my friend was threatened with a £20,000 fine or 6 months in prison for simply allowing us to make music in his pub. I have been rather involved in trying to ensure that such actions are not repeated and not tolerated.

During this period I have heard just about every conceivable reason from higly skilled experts why (needless) restrictions must be placed upon basic rights. Rights that have been so hard-won. This forum has been of great help in that struggle but reading exactly the same justifications given here for the same (needless) restrictions, is not going to be accepted by me, without a determined attempt to address it.

A little help would be appreciated, as I would appear to be a lone (and portrayed as a loony) voice. I may well be, but i try to ensure that my points are made as well as I can make them.