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Thread #70466   Message #1202803
Posted By: Don Firth
08-Jun-04 - 01:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reagan Rapture!
Subject: RE: BS: Reagan Rapture!
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones.
Thus says Antony of Julius Caesar. But, true to form, in the case of the "Teflon President," this seems to work in reverse

Granted, when a former president of the United States passes away, one should mark the occasion and perhaps remember his deeds and accomplishments, if any. One tries not to speak ill of the dead; however, it does little for the cause of truth to try, by rewriting history, to turn a former president, or any person for that matter, into some kind of god.

For the past few days, practically every time I turn on the radio or television, it's been wall-to-wall Ronald Reagan. Eulogies, paeans, and reminiscences pour forth incessantly, overshadowing all other news. All day long yesterday, even on NPR, that supposed bastion of the liberalism, and last night on The News Hour with Jim Lehrer on PBS, that well known purveyor of left-wing propaganda, there was talk of naught else. God knows, after hearing what I was hearing on the supposed "liberal media," I didn't have the stomach to see what they might be saying on Fox News! One would think that the man had been seen regularly walking on water. During the past few days, listening to "the news" has been like swimming in syrup.

I agree with Art Thieme's indictment above. In addition, I would really like someone to explain to me exactly how Reagan, seemingly single handed to hear people speak of it, defeated Communism. The way it seems to be presented, when Reagan intoned "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" it was as if he raised his rod, cried "Open Sesame!" the wall crumbled before the thunder of his voice, and Communism vanished in the wind. Without going into Iran-Contra and a multitude of other things, one should point out that it is true that Reagan cut taxes. On the rich. But he also raised taxes. On the poor. But he didn't call it "taxes" he called it "revenue enhancement." And once again, the Teflon President got away with it!.

I could go on and on, but I'm feeling a bit "sweeted out," as if I've been force-fed several pounds of cheap candy.

Don Firth