The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70450   Message #1202817
Posted By: M.Ted
08-Jun-04 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: for some songs
Subject: RE: Tune Req: for some songs
"After the Ball" was one of the top five songs in sheet music sales between 1890 and 1953--curiously, it isn't one of the 100 most recorded songs, and in fact, there hasn't been a hit recording of it since 1893--it is just a song that people love to sing and play--

I am not sure that I'd call it schmaltzy, or lump it in with the songs that Amos mentions, because, even though it is very poignant, the language is simple and direct, and theme is timeless:

After the ball is over,
After the break of morn,
After the dancers' leaving
After the stars are gone;
Many a heart is aching
If you could read them all
Many the hopes that have vanished
After the ball.