The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70466   Message #1202972
Posted By: Bill D
08-Jun-04 - 05:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reagan Rapture!
Subject: RE: BS: Reagan Rapture!
Larry K---" Historians vote him one of the best 10 presidents in history..."

right, and "Doctors recommend" product "X"....WHICH historians?

You can find today, in many countries, people still praising Adolph Hitler...I suppose there are those who admired Genghis Khan for bringing "multi-culturalism" to the far East!

Ronald Reagan was a MOVIE actor, who had honed the skills of being convincing and was evidently a very charming guy in person. He also had VERY narrow, conservative viewpoints which he thought he could just IMPOSE on the rest of us....he also showed, possibly due to his life portraying fiction, a lack of comprehension of what his ideas meant in reality! There were a group of people who viewed Reagan as the perfect 'front man' for a reactionary agenda, just as some now use G. Bush for the same reason.

I only wish I could live long enough to laugh at you when **"Historians"** finally sort out all the damage done under Ronnie's reign, and he takes his place in history alongside Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon and Andrew Johnson.