The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70192   Message #1203071
Posted By: Peace
08-Jun-04 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: briefs or boxers
Subject: RE: BS: briefs or boxers
Jaysus. I figure by now I have voted in a ten or so federal elections, ten or so provincial elections, fifteen or so municipal elections. I am battin' about ten percent in terms of picking winners, and I just bet $20 with Greg that Bush loses in November (assuming he allows an election to take place). Jimmy the Grrek should see me before he establishes odds. Find out which way I'm voting and give ten to one for the other guy/gal. However, for ten seconds or so I run the country, province or city/town. Love it. I get to be the boss of the whole thing for ten seconds, and it always restores my faith in democracy. However, I do bitch at times. I am reminded of the evening a good friend from California called at 2:00 AM to inform me of Nixon's victory. My buddy was sh#tfaced. He said, "Well, once again the American people get what they deserve. But why do I have to keep getting what they deserve? (He and I had both worked hard for Eugene McCarthy.) Later.

Bruce M