The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14177   Message #120314
Posted By: Big Mick
03-Oct-99 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: The Haggis season - when does it start?
Subject: RE: The Haggis season - when does it start?
You poor buggers don't seem to know that the name for Ireland in days gone by was Scotia, named after the mother of Amergin, the bard. She was a Chieftain and great warrior. She died in battle when this Milesian Royal family came and settled Ireland. They wrested the land from the Fir Bolg and established the Gaelic culture as the dominant culture in what became Scotia. Generations later a group of these Scotians were driven, or left the North of Ireland and settled in the highlands of what is now Scotland. They established, and after much influence from other groups, became what we now know as the Highland Scot. The languages were even the same until about the seventeenth century. Of course, our Scottish cousins developed a culture that is distinct and unique, and I am proud to claim a certain amount of Scot in my own background.

What's the point, within the context of this thread. It is my humble opinion that Nova Scotia is New Ireland. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA.....LOL.............Are we going to have fun with this thread or what???????? I may never be safe in Nova Scotia again.

All the best,

Big Mick, the mischievious stirrer