The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47876   Message #1203192
Posted By: GUEST
08-Jun-04 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: Help: Which Regiment(s)
Subject: RE: Help: Which Regiment(s)
Les, Great idea making him an Aide-de-camp! i have his father being an MP so he could be well connected, besides the fact that the family was wealthy. I did know about Sir Walter Scott nad how he help start the unit. However some of my research shows that Wellington was there by Oct 18, and in fact some maps that show troop movement and position have his name on the maps for the Engish troop positions. would they do that if he weren't there? I don't know as I am not a military expert at all, just a history nut. Also in some research I got from the Royal Scots website indicates that the 6DG was both heavy and Light cavalry, and explains the difference. They do not say however if they were anywhere near Leipzig. Most likely not, that wouldn't be my luck. So The Aide-de-camp theory would be a great way to work the character into where he would need to be for the story. As I have him joining up with Wellington in The Pennisular Campaign, he could have easily impressed Wellington with his record in the Royal Edinburgh Volunteers and his ability. I mean he's a 30- something laywer with a suceesful record, so he is a smart person, well-connected so why not make him an Aide-de-camp. So many thanks for that idea. As far as the other two, one of the characters is his best friend who is in the same unit. Could more than one be sent to check on troop movement of the enemy? I think that could be plausible.