The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14160   Message #120322
Posted By: Susan A-R
03-Oct-99 - 08:27 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
Oh my. I came through (without leaving any tracks, just like Mom taught me) at the beginning of the party, when Catspaw's list came up.

Actually, I left no tracks because I just needed cheering up, and couldn't think what to say. My Dad died last Sunday (a week ago this morning, in fact) and it has been a very emotional week. He was in a lot of pain, and that is over, but I miss him a LOT. I'm his youngest daughter you see, and he was a grand person. The night he died, I was at the family cabin (a glorious place) singing with friends. Our last song of the night was "Angels are Hovering 'Round." The song will never be the same, but what a perfect farewell. I'm glad to be back. This is a grand place from which to smile and regroup.