Well be careful, John. It is an explosive (literally!) compound you're handling there. Part of that mix is what was used to blow up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City a few years back.
What year was that book published? Can you give an author and publication information? Occasionally what was considered organic a few years ago is no longer in use (I'm thinking here of some of the pyrethrum products--my Dirt Doctor guy used to promote it, but research now shows that it can be associated with asthma and other human health problems). I'm curious to see what else your book says. (Some interesting research is coming this way from places like New Zealand, where they've also been struggling with things like nutsedge or nut grass, that torments gardeners here. If there is a way to in an isolated manner nuke that stuff, even organic gardeners might consider cheating a little if it will get rid of this pest).