The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70481   Message #1203552
Posted By: CarolC
09-Jun-04 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sudan
Subject: RE: BS: Sudan
CarolC, who I note completely choses to ignore some very interesting insights provided in greg stephens post

greg stephens' post raises more questions for me than it answers. I'd like to see some statistics to go along with his anecdotes. Including statistics about where refugees were going (if any) during the times he mentions, as well as in between, besides the part of the world where he lives, as well as some other statistics, before I use what he has said to help me form any opinions about where my country ought to send troops.

Where are all those American Oil Companies Carol? I see the Sudanese themselves; Malaysia; China; Iran; Canada; The Dutch and the French looking to get back into the action.

Precisely, Teribus. You make my point for me. The US can't use the oil there right now because of the sanctions. But if the US installs a puppet regime who will do what they say, it can lift the sanctions and get all the oil it wants, without ever letting the local populations have any say about who gets any benefits from the oil money.

One question I did forget to ask CarolC, "who was it that in 1997 imposed sanctions on Sudanese oil and for what reason?"

It was Bill Clinton. Maybe because he still had a shred of humanity back then.