The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14178   Message #120363
Posted By: WyoWoman
03-Oct-99 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: HELP Am trying to give up smoking.
Subject: RE: BS: HELP Am trying to give up smoking.
I agree with BK as for my primary means of quitting. I just refuse to give the tobacco companies both my money AND my health.

I also agree that you really only quit when you decide to quit -- now when you feel you should, or you really, really want to. I used hypnosis to quit at one point, and that was fairly successful. But the main thing is that I had just reached a point where I didn't want to be smelling and tasting bad all the time, and didn't want to make the tobacco companies any wealthier than they already are.

Start exercising, and that will make a difference. People often wait to start exercising until they've quit, and the opposite actually works better. You start exercising, just a tiny bit at a time. slowly build, then you'll find as a natural consequence, smoking doesn't add anything to your life or energy, so it's contradictory with the healthy stuff you're doing. But don't WAIT to get healthy until you stop smoking. Start doing the healthy stuff while you're smoking.

And resist the mistake of thinking because you smoked one cigarette you've fallen off the wagon and now have to go back to your former habit. It doesn't mean anything, just that you had a cigarette, and now you aren't going to have any more.

I still smoke occasionally -- about a pack a year -- and every time I do, it reinforces why I decided THAT wasn't something I wanted to do. Yuck.