The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70466   Message #1203682
Posted By: Ebbie
09-Jun-04 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reagan Rapture!
Subject: RE: BS: Reagan Rapture!
I'm not surprised at the adulation and the outpouring of grief, but I am shocked at its witlessness. I do believe that a good many of those people are the same ones who would cry over "True Romances" (Isn't that the name of the old smarmy magazine that purportedly brought us 'real life stories' of love and tragedy?)

OK, so that explains the long lines waiting to view Reagan's coffin (!!) but what about the people who espouse the view that he was a great president? I suspect that, by and large, they are the 'John Wayne' fans who long for a simpler age when black and white were clearly defined, pardner.