The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1204056
Posted By: dianavan
09-Jun-04 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Amos - Thanks again for the links. It is amazing to me that America and as a result, Americans have shrunk in stature in such a short space of time. Its like watching the fall of the Roman Empire.

I am wondering, however, if the propensity for forging ahead with new ideas without looking at previous examples, isn't happening everywhere in our fast paced world. It certainly happens alot in my career. I have taken part in many 'pilot projects' in education and have kept careful records of the results. I am almost never asked for the data or my conclusions. The next thing I know, someone has put the program in a glitzy package and is marketing the program world wide as the latest and greatest. Seems that everything is marketable with or without a rationale.

It is especially frightening when governments start messing with science to further their political agenda. Yes, Korea and China, too, will soon outflank the U.S. when it comes to scientific breakthroughs. Why? Because they are unencumbered by religious dogma. It is especially destructive when religious dogma and political conviction become a single force.