The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64942   Message #1204280
Posted By: GUEST,Cheryl
10-Jun-04 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Words of, like, wisdom, eh???
Subject: RE: BS: Words of, like, wisdom, eh???
BDiBR, I been moochin around this website, reading all the posts from uptight, fist wavin', Bush lovin wankers an such, and gettin'madder and madder. Then I read your thread here, an I knew at last I'd found me a real man, someone not afraid to state right out what he wants.

You couldnt give a shit about the world and whats happenin in Suidan and I say good - cant do nuthin much about it anyways, so why bother pretending. When it all boils down to it, aint nothing much to do but shag and eat, so why not be honest about it. Now, BDiBR, I know them other women are girls are deevious but I'm real straight, an I appreciate a man who knows which way his balls are a hangin.

I come to Mudcat for a good laugh, not to get riled by some impotent dickhead out for a mini power hit. So thanks man for the laugh - Why doncha come on by some time (and you can leave that goat behind when youse a comin.)

Cheryl the Feral