The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17944   Message #1204304
Posted By: GUEST,Doc LeVeque
10-Jun-04 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Santa Fe Trail
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Santa Fe Trail
The lyrics offered by Toadfrog (02-04-04) present somewhat of a mystery. This song was recorded in the 1940's by the Glenn Miller orchestra. The melody is rather plaintive, but the lyrics pose several questions; I believe it to be otherworldly.   

"Angels come to paint the desert nightly
when the moon is beaming brightly
along the Santa Fe Trail

Stardust scattered all along the highway
on a rainbow colored skyway
along the Santa Fe Trail

Beside you I'm riding every hill and dale
while shadows hide you just like a pretty purple veil
thereby hangs a tale

I've found you, and the mountains that surround you
are the walls I built around you
along the Santa Fe Trail"

"Angels", "shadows that hide you", "a tale", "walls I built around you"............this all bespeaks (at least to me) that the composer(s), Cubin/Coolidge/Groscz, had something more in mind than yet another 1940's ballad. N'est ce pas?