The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14130   Message #120433
Posted By: Steve Parkes
04-Oct-99 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: What is the worst song you ever heard?
Subject: RE: What is the worst song you ever heard?
I'm really lucky. I didn't realise how lucky until I read this thread and found there are several songs I've never heard (because I have heard the rest). Is the unicorn song the one that goes "... green alligators and long-neck geese, humpty-backed camels and chimpanzees, cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born ..."? PLease say it is, because if it isn't, there's another one!!

I know why van Gogh cut off his ear and shot himself: he had Mynheer's (sp?) disease. Anyone got a rhyme for that?

The worst song, give or take a few, I've heard was on an album of "country" songs in the late sixties: "There's a star-spangled heaven for every soldier boy/Who fights to keep our country clean and free", relating the wisdom of the Padre (pass the Lord and praise the ammunition!) to his young charges.

When we were celebrating the end of WWII a while back, we found some gems and some, er, others. One was called "The Wop [sorry] and the Jap and the Hun", and was other wise not bad under the circumstances. I asked Dave Sealy of Cosmotheka if he'd come across it while researching their WWII songs series for BBC Radio 2, and he told me the worst one he'd found was one called Belsen Bill: I never asked further, and I don't want to know.

This thread could run and run.
