The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70481   Message #1204415
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
10-Jun-04 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sudan
Subject: RE: BS: Sudan
I don't think anyone anywhere has been calling in the USA to send troops in to the Sudan. The US military machine has shown itself to be very effective in certain types of conflict situations, but not this sort.

It's a horrible war, one of a number of horrible wars taking place in Africa, out of the limelight. I doubt if there's any way of solving things through outside intervention. Cutting off supplies of arms to the people who are backing the killing, and making sure that relief supplies get through are worth doing, together with intelligently applied sanctions. And keeping an eye out for any governments or companies who are stirring things for their own reasons.

But the implication of bearded brucie's lists and comments seem to be that we should stop worrying about the war that we are involved in, and focus attention on wars that we aren't involved in. I suppose if people believed that a US or UK invasion of Sudan would help matters, rather than make things even worse, that might make sense.