The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14178   Message #120444
Posted By: Andy
04-Oct-99 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: HELP Am trying to give up smoking.
Subject: RE: BS: HELP Am trying to give up smoking.
Well I'm going to put my two penneth in !

Ex 60 a day - As has been shown above it only works if you want it to ! It IS a mental position. The nicotine is addictive and you can only beat it if you want to health financial reasons or other don't matter as long as it is what YOU want to do.

I gave up 13 yrs ago when No1 daughter was born. She has never and will never see me smoke. Neither has No 2 or even some of my recent friends - I'm a nutter - I now SCUBA dive and Run marathons as well as 'Do' folk music (learning highland pipes at present).

Best of Luck. I found the first three months easy then the pain set in ! I'd happily start again tomorrow but I don't want to.